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Insight of the Day: 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey: Living and working with purpose in a transforming world

The 13th edition of Deloitte's Gen Z and Millennial Survey reveals key insights into the mindset and expectations of these generations regarding the economy, work, climate change, and mental health.

Key Findings:


  • Cautious Optimism: Both Gen Zs and millennials express cautious optimism about the economic outlook for their countries and personal finances, marking the highest optimism since the pre-pandemic era of 2020.

  • Financial Insecurity: Despite optimism, financial insecurity persists, with many living paycheck to paycheck and the cost of living remaining a top concern.

  • Social and Political Uncertainty: There is less optimism about the social and political landscape, with only a quarter anticipating improvements.

Purpose-Driven Work:

  • Purpose as a Priority: An overwhelming majority of respondents emphasize the importance of purpose-driven work and are willing to reject employers or assignments that do not align with their values.

  • Values-Based Decisions: Reasons for rejecting employers or assignments include negative environmental impact, contributions to inequality, lack of support for mental well-being, and poor work/life balance.

Climate Action:

  • Environmental Concerns: Environmental sustainability remains a top priority, with a significant number feeling worried or anxious about climate change.

  • Personal and Collective Action: Many take steps to minimize their environmental impact and believe governments and businesses should do more to address climate change.

  • Consumer and Career Choices: Gen Zs and millennials are influencing businesses through sustainable purchasing decisions and career choices.

Generative AI (GenAI) at Work:

  • Positive Perceptions with Experience: Frequent GenAI users are more likely to perceive positive impacts on their work and work/life balance.

  • Concerns Alongside Benefits: Increased GenAI use also correlates with concerns about job elimination and challenges for younger generations entering the workforce.

  • Adapting to Change: Both generations are focused on reskilling and GenAI training to navigate potential disruptions.

Future of Work:

  • Evolving Career Paths: Career choices are increasingly influenced by environmental concerns and perceived vulnerability to automation.

  • Pushing for Change: Gen Zs and millennials actively push their employers for changes in workload, client services, learning and development, diversity, equity, inclusion, wellness, social impact, and environmental efforts.

  • Work-Life Balance and Flexibility: Maintaining a positive work/life balance is crucial, driving demand for flexible work arrangements like part-time jobs, job sharing, and four-day workweeks.

Mental Health:

  • Stress and Well-being: While stress levels have slightly improved, they remain high, impacting mental well-being.

  • Workplace as a Stressor: Job-related factors contribute significantly to stress levels.

  • Employer Efforts and Room for Improvement: While many believe their employers take mental health seriously, there is room for better communication and support.


Gen Zs and millennials continue to drive change in the workplace and society. Employers who understand and adapt to their values and expectations will likely cultivate a more engaged and resilient workforce capable of navigating a transforming world.

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