The best way to notify consumers about card-linked offers, their value, and relevance involves a multi-faceted approach:
Leverage Trusted Messengers: The survey highlights that consumers are more likely to trust information about card-linked offers from their primary financial institution or frequently patronized merchants. Therefore, banks and credit card companies should prominently feature information about card-linked offers on their websites, mobile apps, and account statements. Merchants can promote their offers through in-store signage, email marketing, and loyalty programs.
Clarity and Education: Many consumers are unfamiliar with how card-linked offers work. Therefore, it's crucial to provide clear and concise explanations about what they are, how to use them, and the benefits they offer. This can be done through explainer videos, infographics, and tutorials.
Personalization and Relevance: One of the main reasons consumers don't use card-linked offers is that they find them irrelevant. To address this, providers need to personalize offers based on individual spending habits and preferences. This can be achieved through data analytics and targeted marketing.
Visibility and Accessibility: Card-linked offers should be easy to find and redeem. This means making them visible on the merchant's website, app, and at the point of sale. Offers should also be easy to activate and track.
Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Encourage satisfied customers to share their positive experiences with friends and family. This can be done through referral programs or social media campaigns.
Incentives and Rewards: Offer incentives for first-time users, such as bonus points or cashback. This can help overcome the initial hesitation and encourage trial.
Additional Considerations:
Privacy concerns: Address any privacy concerns that consumers may have about sharing their card data.
Accessibility for all: Ensure that card-linked offers are accessible to people with disabilities.
Partnerships: Partner with other companies to expand the reach of card-linked offers.
Feedback: Collect feedback from consumers to continuously improve the program.
By implementing these strategies, merchants and financial institutions can effectively educate consumers about card-linked offers, increase adoption rates, and drive customer satisfaction.