Smart TVs are the Norm: Studies show consistent growth, with 72-79% of US households now owning a smart TV.
In-Built Apps are King: Smart TV's built-in apps are the preferred way to watch streaming content, exceeding streaming media players and game consoles.
Streaming Media Player Slowdown: While still popular, streaming devices' growth is slowing as smart TVs become more common.
Game Consoles as Media Hubs: Half of households own game consoles, and many are used for video streaming.
VR Awareness & Interest: Apple's VR headset has high awareness and interest, aligning with increased teen VR use.
Smart TV Ecosystem Influence: The dominance of in-built apps gives smart TV operating systems greater control over content and advertising exposure.
Content & Ad Strategy: Understanding smart TV app usage is key for marketers aiming to reach viewers effectively.
Competition for Streaming Devices: The rise of smart TVs challenges standalone streaming media player manufacturers to innovate.
Game Consoles as Entertainment Hubs: Marketers should consider gaming platforms when targeting young audiences with video and ads.
The VR Opportunity: Apple's headset, along with growing teen VR adoption, suggests increasing marketing potential within virtual environments.