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Insight of the Day: Why I’m swapping ‘adult food’ for bland, hedonistic snacks

Key Finding:

  • The author is choosing to indulge in "childhood snacks" over traditional "adult food," finding pleasure in their simplicity and the act of "stealing" them from her child.

Key Takeaway:

Sometimes, simple, nostalgic, and even bland foods can provide a unique form of comfort and enjoyment.


While not explicitly stated, the article hints at a potential trend of adults embracing childhood snacks for their unpretentiousness and comforting qualities.

Consumer Motivation:

The author is motivated by a desire for simple, uncomplicated pleasure in her food choices. The "theft" element adds a playful dimension to the experience.

Driving Trend:

The article doesn't delve into the societal drivers of this trend, but it could be linked to a desire for nostalgia, stress relief, or a break from the complexities of adult life.

Target Audience:

The article likely resonates with parents who can relate to the experience of indulging in their children's snacks, as well as anyone who has ever craved the simplicity of childhood treats.


The article references various children's snacks like Pom-Bear crisps, Coco Pops, Petits Filous yogurt, and rocket-shaped ice lollies.


  • Simple, nostalgic foods can hold a special appeal for adults, even if they are considered "bland" or "unhealthy."

  • The act of indulging in childhood snacks can be a playful and comforting experience.

Implications for Brands:

  • Brands marketing childhood snacks could consider targeting adults with nostalgic messaging.

  • Creating "adult" versions of childhood snacks (e.g., gourmet ice lollies, artisanal flavored crisps) could tap into this trend.

  • Collaborations between adult and children's brands could be a unique way to engage consumers.

Implications for Society:

  • The article highlights the importance of recognizing the simple pleasures in life, even those that are considered "childish."

  • It raises questions about the definition of "adult food" and challenges the idea that sophisticated palates can only appreciate complex flavors.

  • It could spark conversations about the role of nostalgia and comfort food in our lives.

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