Customers at self-service kiosks feel rushed when there's a line behind them, leading to quicker, less exploratory decisions and lower spending.
Key Takeaway: Businesses can reduce this pressure by using a single line for multiple kiosks or by reassuring customers via pop-up messages that delays are the business's responsibility.
Trend: Adoption of self-service technology in restaurants to address staffing shortages and streamline ordering.
Consumer Motivation: Customers desire a stress-free ordering experience without feeling pressured by others waiting.
Driving Trend: The rise of automated technology in the food industry.
People Referenced:
Restaurant customers: Those using self-service kiosks.
Conclusions: Proper kiosk design can enhance customer satisfaction and increase spending.
Implications for Brands: Restaurants should optimize self-service systems to reduce customer pressure.
Implications for Society: Better-designed self-service tech could lead to more enjoyable dining experiences.
Big Trend Implied: The need for customer-friendly technology in food service as automation increases.